Off-Trip Lodge FAQ

Who can stay the the lodge off-trip?

Regular members with paid dues are allowed to stay at the lodge off-trip.  They are allowed to bring their guests along with them. Associate members are not allowed.

Can a guest stay at the lodge off-trip?

Guests are only allowed to stay at the lodge off-trip if they are accompanied by a member.

When can I book an off-trip stay?

Off-trip stays must be booked at least one day prior to arrival. Same-day bookings are not available.   While the Miramar lodge can feel like a hotel, reservations are managed by Club volunteers, and so members and their guests are asked to limit their special requests regarding their reservations. 

How much does an off-trip stay cost?

$40/night for members.  $55/night for their guests.  Children 17 and under are free.

What is the cancellation policy for off-trip bookings?

You can cancel without penalty up to one day prior to check-in. For example, if you check-in on Friday you must request a cancellation by 11:59PM on Wednesday. Cancellations after this period will be charged the full amount of the booking.

Bus Trip FAQ

Who can attend a bus trip?

Anyone that is new to the club is welcome to join our bus trips. In addition, regular members with active memberships are welcome.  Associate members are allowed a max of one bus trip per year.

When does the bus leave NYC?

Generally the bus pulls out from Chelsea at 5:45 PM on Friday. As a guest, be there at 5:15 so you have time to check in and board. Weather permitted, we return at about 10:30 PM. We also do a pickup and drop off in Ramsey, NJ. 

Where do you ski/snowboard?

We most often go to Sugarbush and Killington, and sometimes to Stowe. We occasionally drop skiers off at Mad River Glen and, on long weekends, may go to Jay Peak or other Vermont resorts.  Please contact the trip leader to confirm specific trip destinations.

Visit our XC Country & Snowshoeing page to learn about cross-country/snowshoeing destinations. The Trip Leader has final say over our ski destination, and occasionally must make a last-minute change due to weather conditions.

I'm a guest, can I stay for part of the weekend during a bus trip?

No. Guests are not allowed to do a partial stay during a bus trip weekend even if there is a member hosting them.

Can I bring my kids on a Miramar trip?

Yes!  On bus trips, children must be at least seven years old. Please contact your trip leader with any questions. 

Can a member do a partial stay during a bus trip weekend?

Staying at the lodge for only part of a trip at a reduced rate is generally not permitted. A trip leader may choose to make an exception for members; there is no exception available for guests. To request a reduced rate for a partial trip, a member must inform the trip leader by 11:59 PM on the Tuesday prior to a trip. The trip leader will advise the member of the exact pricing for the partial stay and provide instructions for payment.  

The partial-stay will only be accommodated if the trip is not sold out; partial-stay members may have their reservations canceled up until 24 hours prior to the trip if the trip is at or near capacity. Partial-stay members have the lowest priority of all trip attendees for room assignments and, if they are already at the lodge off-trip prior to the trip, may be asked to vacate their room on Friday morning and move to a different room on Friday evening.

Can you accommodate food restrictions?

Our chef prepares breakfast and dinner each day. Currently, she can accommodate people who are vegetarian or who do not eat red meat. If you have a non-veg related food allergy or restriction, please reach out to your Trip Leader to discuss. 

Does the trip price include lift tickets?

No. We have discounted lift tickets available for purchase through the club, which you can buy from your Trip Leader. We also subsidize beginner tickets and lessons, which you can learn about here. That said, many regular-attendees of Miramar trips choose to buy IKON season passes, since our trips generally go to Sugarbush and Killington, which both accept the IKON pass.

Can a guest stay drive up to the lodge during a bus trip?

Generally, guests must ride the bus to the lodge for bus trips. The bus ride gives guests a chance to get to know Miramar’s members and customs. 

Occasionally, the trip leader or Board may make an exception to allow a guest to arrive by car if there is a member present at the lodge to greet them on arrival, with special consideration for guests who are friends or family of a member. In these cases, they must be staying the full length of the bus trip. Partial guest stays during bus trip weekend are not allowed.

Guests who drive to the lodge for a bus trip will pay the same price as guests who travel by bus.  There is no off-bus 

What is the cancellation policy for bus trips?

For on-trip reservations, reservations may be canceled up to the prior Friday at 11:59 PM without charge. After that, a $100 late cancellation fee is applied.

What discounts are available for members?

Any member who attends two trips as a member at the full bus rate will receive a discount code for $150 off of their third on-bus trip. To redeem, the member must apply the discount code when they register.

What discounts are available for guests?

To incentivize Miramar’s guests to return soon, returning guests will receive a discount code to take $50 off the guest rate for their next trip, redeemable for trips that are within two weeks of their prior trip or a canceled trip for which they were registered.

When will my credit card be charged?

Credit cards will be charged within 24 hours of the trip start date.   You will not be charged when you complete the initial sign-up.  

Are your trips IKON-pass friendly?

Yes. Virtually all of our trips go to Sugarbush, which is an IKON resort. Most of our trips also go to Killington, which accepts the IKON pass for 5 or 7 days, depending on your pass level. That said, occasionally our trips go to Stowe or other resorts, so check the Trip Description for the destinations of a given trip.

Will I be comfortable attending a Miramar trip by myself?

Absolutely. Most people who attend Miramar trips come on their own, without a partner or any non-Miramar friends. You’ll quickly make friends and feel at home with the Miramar community. 

Membership FAQ

How much does it cost to be come a member?

Miramar membership runs from December 1st to November 30th of the following year. 

New members pay a one-time initiation fee of $80. Anyone who joins in a given membership year will be retroactively treated as a member of that full year, and the guest surcharges they paid in that year will be credited against their membership dues. 

To illustrate how this works: a guest who attends two bus trips at the full guest rate and then joins in the same season will owe $190 in dues = $260 regular dues + $80 initiation fee – $150 guest surcharges.

Initiation fee: $80
Annual dues: $260

How do I become a member?

To become a Miramar member, you must first attend at least two bus trips to the Miramar lodge as a guest so that we can get to know each other. After 2-3 trips, a guest may receive an invitation to become a Miramar member.

Guests are limited to a max of three trips as a guest in their lifetime.

What membership levels are available?

Regular: $260
Associate: $90
Gold: $90
Platinum: no dues

A $25 late fee will be added to any dues paid after December 31st. 

Regular members may visit the lodge on and off-trip and vote in Club elections.

Associate members may only attend one trip each year and pay the guest rate. They may not visit the lodge off-trip or vote in Miramar elections. They may attend unlimited work weekends.

Gold and Platinum members have the same privileges as Regular members. Gold members have been members for at least 35 years, and Platinum members for at least 50 years. 

When is membership dues paid?

Miramar’s membership year runs from December 1st to November 30th of the following year. Dues notices are distributed by email in October or November for the upcoming year. 

Members should pay their dues by December 1st. A $25 late fee will be added to any dues paid after December 31st. Dues must be paid prior to signing up for any trips or activities. 

Members must pay dues by June 1st each year in order to retain their membership. Anyone who chooses not to renew their membership by paying dues will be removed from Miramar’s member list and member-only technology systems.

A member who faces severe financial hardship may ask the Board to consider suspending their membership for one year. A person whose membership is suspended cannot attend Miramar trips or stay at the lodge during that year. 

Former members may join Miramar again by attending trips as a guest and following the same membership-eligibility process as other guests. Miramar has a long history of members leaving the club for a period and then rejoining years later, and we look forward to welcoming you back. 

I won't be able to use my membership; can I put it on hold?

Yes. You can downgrade to the Associate level which will keep your membership active but with limited benefits.

Associate members may only attend one trip each year and pay the guest rate. They may not visit the lodge off-trip or vote in Miramar elections. They may attend unlimited work weekends.

What are the limitations of Associate membership?

Associate members may only attend one trip each year and pay the guest rate. They may not visit the lodge off-trip or vote in Miramar elections. They may attend unlimited work weekends.

Other FAQ

Nominating Committee

Miramar utilizes a Nominating Committee to communicate with potential candidates for the Board of Directors. People who are interested in running for the Board of Directors should contact the Nominating Committee, who will provide potential candidates with information as to what serving on the Board entails. The Board may also ask the Nominating Committee to help identify members to serve in key non-director positions.

Work Weekends

People who participate in a work weekend at the lodge receive:

  1. Free accommodation for the work weekend itself, plus up to two extra nights to lengthen the weekend.
  2. Three free nights for one room on a future off-trip reservation, redeemable anytime off-trip – this does not expire.
  3. $25 per person per work day for food.
  4. $25 each way per person for gas.

Members who perform work-weekend-like tasks outside of a work weekend may also receive some or all of the same benefits as work weekend attendees, provided that they obtain advanced approval from the Operations Group leaders. 


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