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Warren Miller’s "Face of Winter" Film Screening
Miramar Ski Club is getting a group rate to see Warren Miller's 2018 ski movie "Face of Winter." on Saturday, November 10, 2018 at 5:30 pm at The Peter Jay Sharp Theater at Symphony Space, 95th and Broadway.

These group tickets are $19 per person.

Here's the best part:  All attendees will receive a free midweek, non-holiday, lift ticket voucher to Sugarbush.   There will also be a raffle give away for some great prizes.

This offer is available to Miramar members and friends.  Family and guests are welcome with advanced payment.  There are no cancellations or reimbursements.  

There is an optional 'separate checks' dinner after the screening:
Acqua Ristorante Italiano (
718 Amsterdam Avenue
(SW corner of W. 95th and Amsterdam, 1 block from Symphony Space).

Act quickly as you must sign up and mail your check by October 31, 2018:  
$19 per adult
Payable to "Miramar Ski Club, Inc."
Mail to:
Sharon Lieberman
1283 East 10th St
Brooklyn, NY 11230

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Yes, I'll attend the movie on November 10 *
Advanced payment is required
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EMail Address *
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Number of Adult Tickets at $19 each
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Name(s) of Family or Guests
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Dinner After?
I'm interested in joining the group for an informal post screening restaurant dinner
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I understand payment must be made no later than October 31, 2018 *
Describe how you're paying.
I understand that my information won't be recorded until I click "Submit" below. *
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